Quilting workshop Level 2

Well, it is not easy to make quilts to put up here for colour ideas when we are having such a glorious summer. I decided to make one in three colours, using fabrics I had on hand. Of course, that really limited my selection, but I chose a multicolour for the background, and two co-ordinating colours from it. I really wish I had a nice lime green instead of the purple, but at least you get the idea of two colours on a background, using colours from the print. Notice the yellow and purple are not solid colours. The yellow has lemon slices on it, and the purple has butterflies.
This one is hand tied with embroidery floss in co-ordinating colours, so it doesn't look obvious. It is made from 30 blocks. I made the blocks smaller because I did not have a lot of fabric - in this setting, the ones we will make in the course will be about 50" x 60". This quilt is only 38" x 46".

Keep watching here - I am working on getting colours up.


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Sturgeon County website http://www.sturgeoncounty.ab.ca/
Sturgeon County phone: 780 939-4321 ask for Community Programs
Another Quilt in a Day Marathon Workshop will be held March 15, 2008 at the Alcomdale Hall, Alcomdale, Alberta. There will be an orientation evening the Thursday before. E-mail me here if you want any information about the course.

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